Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Averee's enchanted fairy birthday

this year was the first year that ave actually had an opinion about what kind of birthday party she wanted. her request was, "mermaids, pj mask, memo, sheriff callie, fairy, swimming party please." she has a really great imagination. we went with just fairies this go round. we haven't had a party at our little fixer upper we call home yet, so we figured this was the best time to go for it. i wanted it to feel enchanted, so we did it in the evening so her fairy lights would definitely be showing. i am so happy with the way everything turned out, and averee had the time of her life in her fairy dress and wings, painting rocks and wands (sticks) with all of her greatest friends.  we are so so thankful for the blessing of all of our family and friends that took the time to celebrate our sweet girls 3rd birthday! 


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Wednesday, July 13, 2016


we spent our fourth of july weekend in silverton, co for the ninth year in a row! this time we camped for 7 days. all around, it was an amazing trip! the rain threw off our fun for the first few days, but it made for some good fishing and averee learned how to play uno. jordan had to work part of the week, but was able to finish off the weekend with us. we camped part of the time with my family and the other part with some of our best friends. lots of memories were made, and we are already looking forward to our next camping trip and plans for next year. keep scrolling if you want to see some beautiful mountains and equally beautiful people

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