Tuesday, April 5, 2016


weight: 12 pounds 5 ounces 
height: 22 in
clothing size: 3 months
diaper size: 2
shoe size: 3-6 month
longest stretch has been 6 hours, which was life changing. she is such a better sleeper than her sister ever was (or still is)

holding her head up like a champ for awhile now, smiles, laughs, coo's. experiencing all these firsts again is so fun. i've forgotten when things happen and in what order. she notices all bright colors, and likes to stare up at the gallery wall above the couch. the neighbors dog came over to say hi as usual when we were out front painting furniture. aspen was on her playmat catching some sun, and it decided it liked her and wanted to mark her as its territory, so that was a first lol. poor baby ;) 

she is such a great, easy baby, BUT when she does get upset, she goes from 0 to 8519523895 in half a second. watch out! thankfully breastfeeding has gone without complications just like it did with her sister. we got lucky! she loves her naps, hates being cradled or to be on her back, and gives the biggest smiles ever. 

i honestly could not live without our owlet baby monitor. if i could afford to get every mom one of these as the ultimate baby shower gift from now until forever, i so would. once we brought aspen home and while getting settled in, i had severe anxiety over sids. i never really felt that way with averee, but wasn't getting a second of sleep with aspen because i was too busy making sure she was always breathing. if you're a mom you know what i'm talking about. those moments you stare at their little body waiting to see it move up and down countless times in the night. after getting this when she was a little over a week old, i feel so much more comfortable sleeping knowing it will alarm us if something goes wrong. it really came in handy when she came down with rsv at only 5 weeks old. we were able to monitor her from home instead of the hospital because we could track her heart rate and oxygen levels through the monitor directly to my phone at all times. aspen also will not sleep in anything but this rocker that our friends lent to us when she wasn't sleeping well in her moses basket. once we got her into it and started swaddling her tight, she has slept like a champ. 
muslin swaddle blankets are another must have. aden and anais are the best, but my current favorite one is the one in the pictures from little unicorn! it is huge, which makes for a tight swaddle at bedtime, and is so adorable. win win

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1 comment:

  1. Love the update. She is such a happy baby! Can't wait to meet her.
