"your story could be the key that unlocks someone else's prison. don't be afraid to share it."
i've been feeling the nudging for quite awhile now to share my story with someone, somehow, who needs to hear it. its been weighing heavier and heavier on me as the days go on. okay god, I'm listening! i know that its time to make the time to do this.
i want to share my story of being raped. i will use the word sexual assault throughout my story, but i wanted to first give it its real name. to pack that punch that everyone is uncomfortable with. know why? because rape should make you uncomfortable. it is indescribably uncomfortable. it is a nasty word, for a nasty act. i just wanted to bring that to attention for a minute because it is that real for those of us that have suffered its wrath and therefore is a word that shouldn't be avoided just to make things less uncomfortable for the people reading this.
trademark a brand of the drug flunitrazepam used as a hypnotic: ability to render someone unconscious and disoriented on awakening; has been exploited by rapist unconscious. this is all starting to make sense.
they took all the swabs for any DNA, and took pictures of all bruising and lacerations on my body and down below. they confirmed that i had been drugged and raped by one, if not multiple people. that most likely the drug made me completely unconscious, or that i tried to fight back but wasn't able to, which was where all the brushing came from. i was given 9 different prescription drugs, all to help with any STD's i may have contracted. she warned me that some had side effects, and i could feel very off for a few weeks. she warned me of the chance of pregnancy, and gave me my different options if that were to be the outcome.
they then asked me if i wanted to move forward with the police. i wasn't ready for that. this was all just a huge blur. yesterday i was just the girl who was sad about her recent breakup and was ready to start a fresh new chapter in life and simply go to college. now i was the girl who had been drugged and raped by a random guy at a random party, in a huge city where i knew basically no one.
the woman informed me that they would keep all evidence safely for a full year in case i did decide that i wanted to move forward with a legal battle. amie took me back to my apartment. i went inside, and sat in the corner terrified. i had text and told my friends that i had gone to the rape crisis center, and they had confirmed that i was a without a doubt, a date rape victim. they had told me that i was a horrible person for going to the center, and if i moved forward with the police that i would ruin his life and be the worst person in the world for it. that i better think about what i was doing before i did it.
if you are a victim of sexual assault, never, ever, ever believe the lie that you are anything other than just that, the VICTIM. people will try and manipulate the situation in any way possible. do not let them. you matter. what happened to you matters. it was never your fault. we need to stop being the society that teaches "don't get raped" rather than "don't rape."
i think of my daughters. i think of their beauty and complete innocence. and how easily that can be ripped away from them. it terrifies me down to the deepest part of my core. something has to change, and it has to change now!
now here comes the even harder part. the next days, months, and years of acceptance and healing. here comes the shame, the guilt, the grief, the depression, the triggers, the acceptance, the life after the assault. i think to most people rape is still so surface level. it isn't just that night, it is all the nights after that.
shame is the first emotion i felt. its literally like you are wearing it. no matter how many times you've tried to wash it off, its still there. if you've been a victim, you know exactly what i am talking about. it feels as though everyone can see it. like you are wearing a big sign on your forehead saying "i'm dirty, i'm used up." it screams "look away from me." shame is probably the most painful and raw emotion i can think of. it is a kind of exposure and humiliation that is so deep and raw it seems we will never recover from it. it seems terminal, beyond repair . guilt is very different. guilt is i have done something very wrong. shame is "i am something very wrong."
my hope isn't that if you are a survivor of sexual assault that you run out and share every detail of your story to the world right away. my hope is that instead, you first take your tremendous burdens that you've been carrying around on your shoulders with you and dump it all at the lords feet. dump it all, the huge mess that it is, and leave it there. he can bare it. actually, he already has bared it.
now here comes the good news. the good news is that the darkness is not the end of the story. it never is. it’s just the beginning, if you let it be. but first, you have to go through the stages of grief. let the offense of the rape shock you, then let it completely hurt you deeply. don’t avoid the pain. sit with it and feel it no matter how unbearable it is.
please please know it will end in time.
i hated, hated, hated the thought of forgiving for a long time. it seemed like more of a moral obligation, like if i had to forgive bob and the others involved to be a christian. the bible says so. it says so repeatedly. but nothing about forgiveness seemed natural to me. in fact, it seemed like the most unnatural and confusing thing ever. if forgiveness was what God wanted for me, maybe i wasn’t a christian after all.
i constantly repeated these things to myself until i actually believed them and started to heal for myself:
i forgive myself for buying into the belief that I could have stopped what happened to me
i forgive myself for buying into the belief that i am damaged goods
i forgive myself for buying into the belief that i deserved what happened to me
i forgive myself for buying into the belief that i will never be happy
i was finally free from the hate i had for Bob. the hate that i had for others. i was finally able to push past that deep hatred and i now am able to pray for blessings for them. its incredible how God has completely changed my heart and thrown out the bitterness. you may not be at this point, and thats also okay. but you owe it to yourself to start actively forgiving so that you are able to move on without this crippling you for life.
lastly, i know whats on a lot of your minds reading this. how is God so good if he allowed this to happen to you? does God really want us to suffer?
the answer is yes and no. do we really want to go to the dentist? do we really want to discipline our child who is in the other room being mean to their sibling when we just sat down and got comfy on the couch? do we really want to drive the speed limit (or close to it) when we are late for that appointment? definitely not. but why do we do it? because of the goodness that comes from it.
my point is, God does not want to see us to suffer in life. i believe that it caused him tremendous pain and grief when i was raped. but He understood what beauty would come from it. if someone came to you and said, hey, i need your daughter to die a long, slow, painful death in front of people who will mock her as she dies, so that she can save them? um no thank you. but He did that for us you guys. he understands. it is so easy to believe the lie that chaos is the absence of God. but it is just the opposite. he is in it just as deep as we are. there is such beauty and strength that is going to become because of it, and He is the one and only one who will truly walk with you through it.
the ashes weren’t the beautiful thing. the beautiful thing was what came next.
my dear friend ellie sent this to me at one of those perfect moments when i really needed it, and it fits perfectly in closing
"God is confident we will look back and be lost in wonder at the spectacular love that planned even our darkest moments."- tim keller
in my next post i will be talking more about what happened next in my story, and how i decided to move forward legalistically. i will talk about how justice isn't always served here on earth, but God promises that it will be served with him. i will also be digging deep into the darkness of this world and how desperately it needs changing. our society is too comfortable. too accepting. it has to stop. we are always turning a blind eye and in turn, blaming the victims of these senseless acts. until next time!
please please feel free to message me if you have any questions or just want to talk about anything! i would love to hear from you