Monday, May 26, 2014

sunshine // rain clouds

a litte late, but a look into what our week looks like! the sunshine is the highlights of the week, and the rain clouds are the not so great happenings. 

rays of sunshine
morning cuddles waking up with daddy for the next 2 weeks temps in the 80’s black cranberry mikes hard lemonade amazing friends sharing testimonies fried alligator | wedding cake tasting | trips to the nursery | bag of 1500 ladybugs | luvs diapers | watermelon | mickey mouse clubhouse | vanilla moose chocolate peanut butter shake | 5 year engagement (must watch… hilarious!) | spicy hummus | splash pad dates | graduation bbq’s | friends coming home from college | ice cold blue moon with dinner | jesus saves bro | lunch date with grandma | dj booked | purchased thunder valley mx tickets (watch out!) | jalepeno poppers | getting invitations ordered | 3 hour nap | new broom  
dave ramsey budget complete | pb2 on rice cakes | endless cotton candy | 3 day weekend | cabin in vallecito | hiking in the rain | family coming to town | sleeping until 8 | full lake (thank God for moisture!) | blueberry otter pops | new hiking pack

rain clouds
<just as important, not always quite as fun> 
first bruises for baby | fits when hearing the word "no" | broken sprinkler | diaper rash | eating lots of junk food | finalizing the wedding budget | top row teething | public restrooms | having to go to walmart | dropping hair straightener in the toilet | curling iron quit working | mosquito bites | jordans allergic reaction | broken naked 3 pallet (i know, its the worst) | backed up laundry | allergies | bad drivers | “let it go” playing in my head for the week | never ending nba playoffs | chipped nails | new mexico wind | shipping costs | allergies | road construction in durango

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Thursday, May 22, 2014


Whew! Here we go. I’ve been going back and forth trying to decide if I should actually go through with this blog. I love reading stalking other lifestyle, fashion, and beauty blogs. I’ve been watching YouTube tutorials for years, and when I became a mommy, I had to know what all you other mommies were up to, and how you were styling those LO’s! My dear friend Amie asked me when I was going to start mine, and I thought to myself, why not? Hopefully our life here in small town Aztec will be interesting enough to have reader someday stalkers. Plus this is the perfect way to answer all of the questions those out of town family members and friends are always asking… "wheres that little babe and what is she up to?”

I’m so stoked to get started! I go to sleep still drafting out post ideas in my mind. This flowing brain full will soon run dry, so I am taking full advantage now. Bear with me for now. So here goes nothing! 

Vanilla Moose. (angels singing) If you are reading this and don’t live in the area to know what those two little words mean, than I am truly sorry. You are missing out on the most wonderful tasting ice cream around! Not to mention how adorable the little shop is, and the worlds sweetest owner that has been running it since I was a wee little one. I did a little research and the parlor has been up and running since 1983. Insane right? 

Anywho! My LO (little one) Averee, who is now almost 9 months old, had her first taste of heaven. I knew I couldn’t take her anywhere else but the Moose for one of their free kiddie cones. Sign says, “If you’re old enough to ask, you’re too old.” So there you go. She devoured as much as I would let her have, which was probably too much. All the way down to the cone! Little piglet. Ice cream and splash park on our first “hot” Saturday of the year? Sounds like a win to me. I hope this first post wasn’t too painful on the eyes. Thanks so much for reading! Stick around for lots more. 


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