101 in 1001

i'm thinking to myself "1001 days is enough time to accomplish a baby bucket list, right?" thats approximately 2.75 years. somewhat daunting, but much more exciting! so here it is. this is my in between. my to do list for the week and lifelong bucket list. challenge accepted! 

end date: february 16, 2017

1. make the list  (5/22/14)
2. inspire someone else to write 101 in 1001
3. donate blood
4. buy someones dinner
5. no complaining for a week (say wha’?)
6. find out my blood type
7. have a “legal” drink
8. complete a 365 day photo challenge
9. go geocaching in a new place
10. skinny-dip baby!
11. jump off cliff without holding nose
12. keep baby in own crib overnight
13. make a new friend
14. be part of a flash mob
15. get married
16. throw an awesome party (9-13-14)
17. have a baby 
18. buy a house
19. visit new york city
20. go scuba diving
21. hike the grand canyon
22. straighten up that posture
23. gamble in vegas
24. go to a karaoke bar
25. learn to flyfish
26. learn to mountain bike
27. buy a paddle board
28. get all the way down the mountain without falling (yes, I suck)(snowboard)
29. get on a budget
30. visit ireland
31. skydiving
32. actually watch an entire basketball game with hubby, no distractions
33. learn how to play the banjo
34. watch roller derby
35. make it to a professional sporting event
36. see a moose
37. buy a housewarming gift for a neighbor
38. sing christmas carols at elderly home
39. adopt a pet in need
40. leave a 100% tip
41. donate to an organization in need
42. silly string fight
43. make a pie with homeade crust
44. watch 10 movies made before I was born
45. attend a music festival
46. have coffee in local coffee shop in Chicago
47. order dessert before dinner
48. go on an overnight hiking trip
49. camp out on the trampoline
50. host a board game night
51. shovel the neighbors snow
52. show averee what a real blanket/pillow fort looks like
53. learn to ride a dirt bike
54. send my parents on a vacation
55. learn to play poker
56. get my half sleeve finished
57. go sailing
58. go to a hockey game
59. throw a successful surprise party
60. find the perfect nude lipstick
61. learn to eat with chopsticks
62. go whale watching
63. floss every night for a month
64. stay in a hostel
65. buy a king sized bed
66. brew our own beer
67. be able to do 5 pull ups
68. give a piece of thrifted furniture a makeover
69. try 10 new restaurants 
70. make macrons
71. attend IMATs
72. fly first class
73. hike 10 new hikes
74. go to disneyworld
75. make a headboard
76. set up two friends on a date
77. visit family in Virginia
78. buy a YSL lipstick
79. own a designer watch
80. go to a wine tasting
81. buy and eat ice cream from the tub (and not feel guilty about it)
82. have a conversation with Chad Reed
83. learn how to use photoshop
84. blog everyday for a month
85. See mumford and sons and city & colour in concert
86. get jordan to watch harry potter series with me
87. Help someone come to know Christ
88. knit babe her own blanket
89. ride in the subway
90. put change into expired meters
91. cut down a christmas tree
92. order room service 
93. fill a journal full of prayers
94. meet 5 blogger friends
95. complete the Love Dare
96. buy a fierce pair of heels
97. hole in one 
98. ride in a balloon at balloon fiesta
99. missionary work in Thailand
100. share my testimony
101. devote an entire week to serving others

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